Locate an example for 5 of the 10 following types of communication genres:
- Business card
- Resume
- Rules and regulations
- Policy handbook
- Policy manual
- Policy guide
- Policy memorandum
- Public policy report
- Government grant
- Government proposal
Refer to your examples for each of the above listed communication genres, and answer the following questions in a paper of no more than 700-words:
- How does the purpose of the communication relate to the particular communication genre? In what ways does the genre help readers grasp information quickly and effectively? In what way is the genre similar or different than the other genres you chose?
- What role has technology played in the development of the genre? How is it similar or different than the other genres you chose?
- What discourse conventions are used in the communication? How does the use of those conventions promote understanding for the intended audience of the communication? How is it similar or different than the other genres you chose?
- Is the communication intended for external or internal distribution? Describe ethical and privacy considerations used for determining an appropriate method of distribution. How is it similar or different than the other genres you chose?
Cite at least two sources other than the textbook.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
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