What are two tactics that a financial manager can use to manage earnings?

Managing Earnings 


Companies often try to keep accounting earnings growing at a relatively steady pace in an effort to avoid large swings in earnings from period to period. They also try to manage earnings targets.  Reflect on these practices and discuss the following in your discussion post.


  • Are these practices ethical?
  • What are two tactics that a financial manager can use to manage earnings?
  • What are the implications for cash flow and shareholder wealth?
  • Using the financial balance sheet as displayed in the text, provide an example of how purchasing an asset or issuing stocks or bonds could potentially impact earnings targets.


Your post should be 200-250 words in length.


Guided Response: Review your classmates’ posts.   Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by sharing an example that supports their position or encourages them to expand or change their thinking.

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