There are many benefits for allowing the use of the caregivers Robots in the family such as fast service & regulation.Explain.

You’ll have a couple of articles that talk about the benefits of the robots. I choose two benefits (Fast service & Regulation) you’ll look for a supporting quote from the articles to support these two points. You’ll need the articles in writing the 2 paragraphs.

ex: In paragraph 1 you’ll choose from the one article one quote that support Benefit one (fast service) and you’ll copy and paste it as it is AS IT IS. You’ll start writing the paragraph after choosing the quote from one of the articles and then you’ll start like this:

Topic: Caregivers Robots in family.

Intro: I don’t want a definition of the robot. Talk about their benefits in general. A story or anything that will make the intro good. And before the last sentence write one sentence said something negative about them and then you write the word (However) and the Thesis statement right after it. This is the thesis statement: There are many benefits for allowing the use of the caregivers Robots in the family such as fast service & regulation.

Paragraph1: Benefit one: Fast Service

1. Intro to the quote: Look at the quote and write an intro before it.

2: The quote it self: According to ….. and the quote it self.

3: Explaining the quote: Talk about the quote with your own words. Explain it more.

4: Experience: A research or a real experiment done that will support what you said in the 3 parts above.

Paragraph 2: Benefit two: (Regulation)

1. Intro to the quote: Look at the quote and write an intro before it.

2: The quote it self: According to ….. and the quote it self.

3: Explaining the quote: Talk about the quote with your own words. Explain it more.

4: Experience: A research or a real experiment done that will support what you said in the 3 parts above.

Conclusion: summarize what this is all about. Do not write a new information and then write a suggestion.

References: You will only choose 2 quotes and so it will only be two different articles. Copy and paste the quote and the name of the article under it. Do not put the links or anything.

You have 4 articles below. You need only two quotes from two articles only to support the two benefits (Fast service, Regulation).


Thats it!


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