Procurement Life Cycle Plan.

You will provide a draft of your completed Procurement Life Cycle Plan. This draft will be posted to your discussion board for peer review. The plan will include the following sections:

  • Section 1: Preparation
    • Planning the procurement contract
    • Defining supplier requirements
  • Section 2: Management
    • Selecting the appropriate source
    • Negotiate, select, and award the purchase contract
  • Section 3: Close Out Contracts
    • List the elements typically used to manage supplier performance
    • How will the company be verifying receipts?
    • What will the invoice process and contract closeout process be, and why is this important?
  • Section 4: Summary
    • Executive Summary
    • Conclusion and Recommendations

Week 4 Assignment: Key Assignment Draft

Section 4: Summary section will include the following:

  • Executive Summary (or an introduction to your Procurement Life Cycle)
  • Conclusion or recommendation

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