Your research question may or may not be appropriately answered using a Mixed methodology model. In this assignment you will apply what you have learned about mixed methodology from the readings and the Assignment 1 discussion to your own research question. If your research question is best answered using Mixed methodology, stick with it and complete the critique below. If not, how might you alter your question so that it may be answered using mixed methodology? Although research is driven by questions, for this assignment we are going to turn it around so we may explore the benefits and differences of various types of methodologies. Adjust your question to fit a mixed methods design and complete the critique below.
For Example: In assignments M4A2 and M5A2 you may have had to change your research question so that it should be answered using a different design. The example questions included, “What are the perceptions of students regarding their experiences with faculty mentors”, best answered using qualitative research, and “What types of interactions do students value most with their faculty mentors?”, best answered using quantitative research.
Both of the questions would produce information about the topic of effective mentoring of graduate students. In a mixed methods design there is value and need to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. In this case the qualitative interviews could help provide not only greater insight into the results of the quantitative data, but could provide necessary information if the final goal was to help faculty understand their students’ needs. Note that the mixed methods researcher must determine whether concurrent or sequential data collection will best suit the purposes of the study. (See Creswell, Chapter on Mixed Methods Procedures: Timing)
complete the following research critique for the Mixed methods research you propose.
- Research Topic:
- Purpose of the Study:
- Overarching Research Question:
- Specific Research Questions/ Hypotheses:
- Type of Study: Mixed Methods
- Mixed method design: (present the elements of quantitative and qualitative and describe how these compliment each other and why it is important to conduct this research as a mixed methods design. find a reason!)
- Overarching Research Question:
- Specific Research Questions:
- Hypotheses:
- Procedure: (How was the data collected? What was the sampling strategy used?)
- Variables/Concepts:
- Instrument(s) analysis:
- Data analysis: Discuss the statistical software, if any, used in analysis of the data and the type of analyses included.
- Consent: What type of consent, if any, will be obtained from the participants?

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