Pick a transmission medium/ type i.e. copper, fiber, wireless – what do you suppose is the biggest communication challenge is with that medium?

1. Pick a transmission medium/ type i.e. copper, fiber, wireless – what do you suppose is the biggest communication challenge is with that medium?
2. What do you suppose are the biggest communication challenges in these environments below? (Can be multiple “correct” answers.  Provide your best guess and also address why you picked that.)
A. Equipment Factory
B. School Building
C. Hospital
D. Outdoor wireless link
We are learning about error correction, cross talk, interference and noise. For each Media type below (twisted pair, fiber optic, wireless), you are going to be asked about what causes the errors/what types of errors are typically see, and then what you can do to attempt to correct those errors. Remember, errors in communication can include one or all of:
Impulse noise, Crosstalk, Echo, Jitter, Delay distortion, Attenuation
Twisted Pair:
1. What types of errors are most commonly found in twisted pair cable?
2. What can be done or is done regularly to combat those errors or eliminate them all together on a given segment?

Fiber Optic:
1. What types of errors are most commonly found in fiber optic cable?
2. What can be done or is done regularly to combat those errors or eliminate them all together on a given segment?

1. What types of errors are most commonly found in wireless communication?
2. What can be done or is done regularly to combat those errors or eliminate them all together on a given transmission?

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