In the client-server paradigm, explain which entity provides the service and which entity receives the service. Why should a server be run all the time, but a client can be run when it is needed?

Provide short answers to the following these questions, 300-350 words for each question. Answers should be clear, concise and to the point.

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3:  In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, Internet users that are ready to share their resources become peers and form a network. Describe the differences between centralised and decentralised P2P networks? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both networks. 

4: What is a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) and how is it used in P2P networks? Briefly explain how a DHT works with an example of a P2P network. 

5: In the client-server paradigm, explain which entity provides the service and which entity receives the service. Why should a server be run all the time, but a client can be run when it is needed? 

6: When an HTTP server receives a request message from an HTTP client, how does the server know when all headers have arrived and the body of the message is to follow?

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