If everyone followed the rules and guidelines of logic, would there be a need for ethical decision making? Why?

Write a 200- to 350- word explanation of the relationship between critical thinking and ethics.

  • Are the principles and rules of critical thinking applicable to ethical reasoning? Why?
  • If everyone followed the rules and guidelines of logic, would there be a need for ethical decision making? Why?

Use examples from the scenarios provided this week to support your answer.


ETH/316 Week 2, Critical Thinking Scenario:


Select a provided ethical scenario or choose one from section IV of Thinking Critically.

Analyze your chosen scenario from a critical thinking perspective.

  • What is the moral responsibility of all participants?
  • What are the stakeholders’ moral failings?
  • What ideals or obligations are in conflict?
  • What is the best outcome, given the consequences?

Write a 350- to 700-word brief reflection of your analysis by describing the relationship between critical thinking and ethics.

Note. Remember that this should be based on critical thinking, not on your personal opinion.


ETH316 Week 2, Sample Team Charter:


Each person on the team should take the time to fill in the appropriate information, so others on the team have a way of contacting one another.  This charter will serve as a guide for the upcoming learning team assignment in week 4 and provide information for problem resolution within the group.  Please be specific

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