How is gender violence being linked to colonization?


1) Read the chapter 1 of Conquest and skim chapter 7. Summarize the argument. 1 page Be sure to include:

a. How is gender violence being linked to colonization?

b. What is the chapter’s implicit critique of white-dominated anti-violence organizations and the male-dominated Native rights organizations?

c. How does this critique impact what should be the strategies for ending violence?

2) Read Harper article 1⁄2 page

What does Harper mean when he says violence against Indigenous women is not a

sociological problem? How is his position different from that espoused in Conquest? With whom do you agree and why?

3) Bring an example in the media of Native women that relies on gender and racial stereotypes. Explain how it perpetuates these stereotypes. 1⁄2 page

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