How is behavior or sexuality is portrayed to children through media?

How is behavior or sexuality is portrayed to children through media?
How do I write up my final project?
The project should be written up like a short academic research paper, such as one you would find in a
Cultural Studies journal. Broadly your paper should answer the following key questions not necessarily in order:
What you wanted to find out (research question/aims)
What you did (methods)
Why you did it (motivation/justification/importance of your research)
What you found (findings/results)
What you make of what you’ve found (analysis/discussion/conclusions)
Writing Style: Some of you may be writing a more reflexive personal project. Such a project will require a more personal writing style than many of you will be familiar with. Writing in the first person (“I”) is legitimate for this type of project. But take care to balance personal assertions with theory or relevant quotations from academic sources.
Organisation: There is some flexibility in how you organise your paper; for example, whether or not to use subheadings; whether to include images or diagrams and whether these should be included in appendices or embedded in your paper.
Your paper must include the following components. You do not have to use the component titles as subheadings. Word counts are guides only:
Title: the title should inform the reader about the topic of your paper, it may incorporate your research question e.g. ‘Memory spaces: exploring the afterlife of children’s popular culture’; ‘I know what I can handle’: young people, media and identity’
Introduction (200 words): usually will include:
your research question/aims/objectives
the motivation for or importance of your research
overview of the organisation of your paper
Literature review/background/history (600 words): brief account of secondary research relevant to your topic, may be part of your introduction, may be used to explain importance of your research or the motivation for your research e.g. the existing research on sexualised images of children may be used to justify or contextualise your own research
Methods (400 words): an account of what you did and how you did it; may include:
Age, gender, number of participants in your research
The name and date of publication of magazine you studied; or name of program studied, date
When and where you conducted your research
Details of how you collected/recorded data
• Acknowledgement of other people’s methodology that has provided a model/framework for the methods you used (e.g. Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis or Mitchell & Reid-Walsh’s work on memory)
5. Findings/results (400 words): clear statement/summary of the primary data you collected /your main findings
Note: it is often useful to discuss/analyse your findings rather than present them in separate sections
Analysis/discussion of findings (700 words): In many ways the most important section of your paper. This is where you relate what you have found back to your research question. Your analysis will be based mainly on information from secondary sources. You must use key concepts, issues and theoretical frameworks from the unit to analyse/discuss your findings (not from other academic disciplines such as Psychology or Education). You may also use additional relevant sources and compare your findings with other relevant research. This section may include:
Conclusions, speculations
Discussion of the limitations of your research
Conclusions (200 words): may be a separate section or combined with Analysis/Discussion. This section may:
• Suggest possible directions for further research
• Relate what you’ve found to the big picture i.e. ongoing debates in children’s culture • Relate what you’ve found back to your research question
Bibliography: APA referencing (See library website)
Appendices (if needed)

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