Explain some of the health risks associated with obesity.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following information below. Use headings consistent with the APA format for each bullet point below so that your paper is easy to follow and understand. The Center for Writing Excellence has information about using the APA format and a sample paper you can review.
Explain your current fitness and nutritional habits.
Explain some of the health risks associated with obesity.
Identify and describe three new fitness habits you could reasonably incorporate into your lifestyle. How could these new habits improve your health?
Identify and describe three new nutritional habits you could reasonably incorporate into your lifestyle. How might these habits improve your health?
Discuss how each new habit would promote healthy weight management.
Discuss how each new habit would benefit your health in general.
Cite at least three peer-reviewed scientific references. The references and in-text citations must be in APA format.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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