Explain how FedEx has incorporated total quality management (TQM) into its overall business strategy.


Prompt: Read “FedEx: Managing Quality Day and Night,” on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook, and watch this video. Carefully review the material and then respond to these prompts with sufficient detail:   Explain how FedEx has incorporated total quality management (TQM) into its overall business strategy. Identify the benefit of taking this approach toward quality. Provide specific examples from the case study, the video, or your own research to support your response.

  •   Describe the quality culture within FedEx. Explain how FedEx can use its quality culture as a competitive advantage.

    Review Deming’s 14 Points for Management. Based on the case study, the video, or your own research, explain which two of Deming’s points FedEx

    embodies the most. Be sure to provide specific information about FedEx to support your response.

    Requirements of Submission: The case study assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one- inch margins. Each case study should be one to two pages in length. Include at least two sources of research and follow APA guidelines for citations and references.


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