Evaluate key trends affecting the global business environment of your selected market domain.

Submit the last portion of your draft analysis for your company, covering the specific opportunity assessment along with the trends and discussion on sustainability. This analysis will be based on the results of Milestones One and Two in that it will consider that past forces of market change and the current capabilities and limitations of the company. This analysis will align the company’s efforts to exploiting intrapreneurial opportunities as well as entrepreneurial opportunities, depending on the company’s capabilities. The analysis should reflect consideration of potential future impacts on these plans such as changes in the economy, market position, technology innovation, or sociopolitical factors.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Develop a list of entrepreneurial opportunities outside the confines of the company you selected. Each opportunity in your list should have supporting rationale based on your market domain evaluation and PEST analysis.
B. Entrepreneurial Assessment: Select one entrepreneurial opportunity from your list to assess. How viable is the opportunity? Your response should be supported with evidence from your market domain evaluation and PEST analysis.
C. Trends: Evaluate key trends affecting the global business environment of your selected market domain. These could be geographic, political, or societal trends, or they could be trends specific to your market domain.
D. Impact on Opportunities: Determine how these trends will impact the development of your selected intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities.
E. Impact on Sustainability: Determine how these trends will affect the sustainability of your selected comp

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