Discuss the history of social psychology and describe the critical role this field of study has played in helping us to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals throughout its evolution.

Discuss the history of social psychology and describe the critical role this field of study has played in helping us to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals throughout its evolution. Which key research developments have helped to define social psychology and differentiate it from other fields of study? What theoretical constructs are inherent in social psychology principles?

Assess the role of ethics in behavioral research. What are some of the ethical dilemmas that researchers face? In your response, provide at least one example of an ethical violation that occurred in a human research study and describe the methodology used (e.g., observational, correlational, experimental). What changes could have been made to improve the ethical nature of the research?

Include at least one reference in your post that is properly cited according to APA format. Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

The Acting Self

As Feenstra (2013) states in your textbook:

“Social psychologists are interested in who we are. We know a great deal about ourselves, and that knowledge affects how we process information and view the world around us. The self is a powerful force. The self affects how we feel, what we think we can do, and what we in fact do.” (pg. 52).

Expanding on the quotation above, describe how individuals develop a self-concept and self-schema. Discuss the cultural, social, and environmental influences on that development. In what ways does our sense of self determine how we think about others and how we interact with individuals and groups of people? What is the significance of the acting self? In your response, be sure to address at least three of the key concepts presented in Table 2.1 of the reading.


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