Develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication in the past decade

The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses.


Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication in the past decade:

  • diversity
  • globalization and outsourcing
  • pace of life and work
  • evolving workplace technologies
  • influence of social media
  • ethical challenges

Your annotated bibliography requires at least six (6) peer-reviewed articles, full reference information, and a short paragraph description of the main findings.

To receive maximum points, all of the following elements must be included in your paper:

  1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  4. Must use at least six scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library. One of the six sources may be the text.
  5. Must include at least one direct quote from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Quoting Sources).
  6. Must include at least one summarized statement from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Summarizing Sources).
  7. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Cen

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