Criminal Justice

The political makeup of the U.S. Supreme court can affect major rulings. Select a major ruling that has changed or been modified over the last 20 to 30 years (e.g., Miranda advisements, search and seizure rules, the exclusionary rules, use of DNA evidence, police surveillance, data mining, etc.). In your paper:

  • Explain the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in criminal justice policy making.
  • Explain how the court’s decisions changed the selected criminal justice policy.
  • Examine potential issues that must be evaluated in the future by the U.S. Supreme Court that will further shape criminal justice policy (e.g., you could discuss how advances in technology such as surveillance, computer analysis, drones, police equipment, etc., have affected the courts decisions).
  • Analyze how the U.S. Supreme Court criminal justice decision affects social justice.

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