Computer Engineering Project Report.

urn in a project report on the report . The project report should contain the following:

i. An Objective statement

ii. A Procedure: The section in which you will explain how you went about completing the project.

iii. Role of Team Members: In this section, you will describe the role played by each team member in executing the project. Please describe clearly each member’s contribution to the project. Also describe how each member was able to/not able to work effectively with team partners on the project (each person should elaborate on his/her comments in the same report). (there is four members just decribe them with numbers)

iv. Program, with comments: Include the PBASIC program for your project. The program should include comments for improved readability.

v. Conclusions: Concluding remarks about the project

The report should be typed, using a 12-size ‘Times New Roman’ font for the main text of the report. The left and right margins should be at least 1 inch each. The report should be typed in a single column format and should be single-spaced. I will attach the project pdf and the class lectures pdf in case you need them.

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