In 1970 Milton Friedman argued that the only social responsibility of business was to increase profits. Compare and contrast the evidence Freidman presents to back up his claim with that provided in the Homer-Dixon article. Finally, in light of the available evidence, outline whether you agree with Friedman. Why or why not?
Dyer, L. (2006). Critical Thinking for Business Students. Captus Press. (Chapter 3: Evidence)
Friedman, M. (1970, September 13). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times, pp. 32–33, 122, 124, 126. (this article can be found online in a variety of sources; it is a pretty famous article; the pages numbers refer to the original publishing of the article and will not relate to online resources).
Homer-Dixon, T. (2006). The upside of down: Catastrophe, creativity, and the renewal of civilization. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf. (Chapter 1: Tectonic stresses)
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