3-4 pages in content length, mostly narrative in format. APA guidelines (especially in regards to citing sources to avoid plagiarized work).
- Illustrate your approach to “facilitation”-your style, personal values, and include areas for improvement to become a skilled facilitator.
- Analyze if your “style” is effective in your organization–why or why not.
- Analyze, evaluate, synthesize 2-3 key concepts/theories/models covered in the course to support your paper.
- Provide examples (clear, specific, and justify your opinions with facts) on how you can apply these concepts/theories/models within an organization.
Include using reference book – Roger Schwarz “the skilled facilitator new and revised” 2002
Title/cover page
- Introduction
- Content-Illustrate your approach to “facilitation”-your style, personal values, and include areas for improvement to become a skilled facilitator.
- Analyze if your “style” is effective in your organization–why or why not.
- Analyze, evaluate, synthesize 2-3 key concepts/theories/models covered in the course to support your paper.
- Provide examples (clear, specific, and justify your opinions with facts) on how you can apply these concepts/theories/models within an organization.
- Summary/Conclusion
- References
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