Write a well-focused Book Report discussing the child development issues/ideas addressed in your chosen book.

The Book Report is due in Module/Week 5. You are encouraged to select a book and begin reading it early in the course. The book you choose must be written about children by a professional in the field of child development (examples of professionals are doctors, educators, pediatric nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers) and must be between 250–300 pages. Write a well-focused Book Report discussing the child development issues/ideas addressed in your chosen book. Your paper must include 4–5 pages of text as well as a title page and a references page. The title page, the body of the paper, and the references page must all be formatted according to current APA style as outlined in the APA Manual. In your report, include the number of pages in your chosen book. The Grading Rubric for this assignment provides the specific requirements and expectations for the assignment. Review it before submitting your paper.

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