
⦁    For the population of females between the ages of 3 and 74 who participated in the National Health Interview Survey, the hemoglobin level is approximately normally distributed with mean 13.3g/100ml and standard deviation 1.12g/100ml.
⦁    If a sample of size 15 is selected from this population, what is the probability that the mean hemoglobin level of the sample is between 13.0g/100ml and 13.6g/100ml?
⦁    If a sample of size 30 is selected from this population, what is the probability that the mean hemoglobin level of the sample is between 13.0g/100ml and 13.6g/100ml?
⦁    Suppose that college faculty with the rank of professor at two-year institutions earn an average of $64,571 per year with a standard deviation of $4,000. In an attempt to verify this salary level, a random sample of 60 professors was selected from a personnel database for all two-year institutions in the United States and the average salary  was calculated.
⦁    Describe the sampling distribution of the sample mean
⦁    Within what limits would you expect the sample average to lie, with probability 0.95?
⦁    Calculate the probability that the sample mean  is greater than $66,000?
⦁    If your random sample actually produced a sample mean of $66,000, would you consider this unusual? What conclusion might you draw?

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