- Read the provided articles by Bruce Bower and Katy Waldman.
- Select which article seems most plausible to you.
- Write a short, persuasive essay based on one of the two articles.
- Refer to at least three sources, including the provided articles and the textbook by Fiero.
- Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams corresponds with the Bower article well and is available through the college library’s Netflix account.
- Nigel Spivey’s How Art Made the World is available on reserve at the college library, and corresponds with Waldman’s article. Refer to disc 1, episode “More human than human” and “The day pictures were born.”
- Another good resource includes Oxford Art Online, which can be accessed via the Seminole State College library.
- All sources must be from reputable websites, databases, or books. Wikipedia is an unacceptable web resource.
Remember! Avoid merely summarizing the text(s). Compose an essay with a thesis statement to convincingly persuade the reader
Format: The assignment should be double spaced and at least 750 typed words. Please use one-inch (1”) margins, a standard font, like Times New Roman, and standard font size, like 12-point font. Please include your full name, my name , your class name and number (HUM 2220), and the due date (see above) in the header on the first page of the essay. Include only your last name and the page number in the header at the top right of subsequent pages.
Tips for Success
- Include a thesis.
- Proofread your work.
- Use active voice by avoiding “be” verbs.
- Avoid personal pronouns like “I,” “we,” or “you.”
- Use spell check! Use a dictionary to ensure proper spelling of words and terms.
- Turn the essay in on time. Late essays are unacceptable.
- Cite sources properly according to MLA, Chicago, or APA style.
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