Ms Excel

For this assignment, you create a list in MS Excel of a few of the people coming to your graduation party. If you work ahead within this week, you can post questions about this assignment on the Questions for the Professorpage under Course Home or by another method if suggested by your instructor and still be able to submit your assignment on time.

You will be merging the data into a Word document in Week 5 so the layout of your data is very important. You need each data value in its own column. For example, the first name, last name, address, city, state, etc., should each be in its own column (as shown in the example below). By organizing your data in this manner, you can reuse the data in many different ways and in any order that you want. You can also sort the data by any column you want—last name, zip code, city, etc. It also makes it possible to export the data to a database if you so choose.

  1. Layout your Excel spreadsheet following the example below. Make your columns as wide as you need to show all the information for that column by double clicking on the line between the columns or dragging the line between the columns. Cell I1 had the Wrap Text on the Home ribbon in the Alignment group turned on due to the length of the title.

The columns are: Fname (first name), Lname (last name), Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, E-mail, and how many total people are coming with this person.

  1. Fill in information for at least 5 people you want to invite; make up the data for privacy purposes. Use correct capitalization.
  2. Sort your information by the last name (Lname).
  3. MS Excel is a great help with calculations which are completed using formulas. Remember, by typing an equal sign (=) into a cell, you are preparing MS Excel to do a formula calculation. Refresh your memory on the use of formulas from this week’s readings in the textbook and the online lectures. Using MS Excel formulas such as AutoSum or =SUM(your range), add the number of guests attending the event in Column I for planning purposes. Share any questions about this or anything else in the Problems and Solutions area.
  4. Save the file as lastname_eventlist.xlsx. You will use this file again for a Mail Merge in Week 5.
  5. Delete the unused worksheets by right clicking on them one at a time and choosing Delete.
  6. Rename Sheet 1 to Event List by double clicking on the Sheet tab and typing in the new name. Right click on the tab and change the color of it to a color of your choice.
  7. Share any insights or challenges you had while creating this spreadsheet.

Remember to respond substantively to two other students and to the instructor. For this assignment, you can respectfully share comments about layout, formatting, column widths, how to create any other formulas and what you might use them for, as well as other possible uses for MS Excel.


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