This assignment requires you to develop a simple digital animation using Adobe Flash.
In the Assignment 1 section of Moodle there is a zip file named “” that is available to download – when unzipped this will produce the following files:
- Ten (10) images of digits (0.jpg to 9.jpg). These images will be used for your student number in the animation specified below.
- An Ass1_Sample.swf file showing a sort of animation. However, please note that you need to note that the animation in the sample file is based on a very different specification; so, you are required to follow the specification given below.
The animation must incorporate the following images:
- An image of yourself – it can be whatever image you like (eg. You on holiday, at the beach, at university, etc), but must include yourself. This image will be used as a background image (in step a and b below).
- An image ofyour home town. This image will be used as a background image too (in stepsb, c, d and e below).
- The images of the digits provided to make up your student number (in step c below).
- An image (different to that used for steps a & b) of yourself that you can select your head (from neck up) and cut it out to create a new image. Your image must be neatly cut out from its original photo.When you cut yourself out and save the image, the background should be fully transparent. You will have to save it in a correct file format for it to be successfully shown against the background in Flash.(in step f below).
Before you begin, keep these requirements in mind:
- o The animation must be 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, with a blue background (#0000FF) for the stage, and run at 15 frames per second.
- o Each layer in your Flash file should be named appropriately.
- o Each event must be displayed for a minimum of 2 seconds and a maximum of 3 seconds. For example, entering an animating image into the stage and leaving should take between 2 and 3 seconds.
- o Each event should overlap with the previous event (Except for the first step (step a) where your own image fills the screen). Starting at step b, as one image leaves the screen, the next image should be entering the screensimultaneously.
- o The animated sequences for this assignment must be tweened using the techniques shown in the lab classes (motion, shape and guide). Frame-by-frame animation will not be accepted.
- o All number images used throughout this whole animation must fill the screen exactly with no overlap and perfectly fit the 800px by 600px stage area. Feel free to stretch and skew images to fit.
- o Make sure that your text is using a font that is easily readable and if it overlaps the self-image picture make sure that it is highly distinguishable against the image.
Sequence of the Animation:
- The animation should start with the image of yourself (on-screen); it needs to be initiated from a locked width/height ratio (e.g. width of 50px) and scaling up to fill the entire window (800px by 600px) at the end of the first three seconds.
- The image of yourself needs to be fading out and be replaced by fading in image of your hometown. This image needs to be static as the background for the point ‘c’ below.
- According to the sequence of the digits in your student number, each image of the digits provided needs to enter the stage from a different corner or edge (i.e., top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right) while the other image leaves from another corner of edge (i.e., top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right). Make sure you use different variety of positions for entering and leaving the stage.
- o In these animations, you need to incorporate each of the following features at least once (each animation should only do one of these):
- Fading in,
- Fading out,
- Performing a double clockwise rotation to roll on the screen,
- Performing a triple anti-clockwise rotation to roll off the screen, and
- Tween easing.
- Tranformations (skewings, shrinkings, enlargements etc).
- o One of these above features must be incorporated for each digit. However, overall all of these features need to be demonstrated at least once in their animation.
- o In these animations, you need to incorporate each of the following features at least once (each animation should only do one of these):
- After animating the last digit of your student number, you need to use a text based representation (not images) of the digits in your student number in sequence ‘bounce’ across a path on the background image ofyour home town screen. You must use motion guides, and clever positioning so that the digits appear to ‘interact’ with the background image (e.g. bouncing off & around objects). Be as inventive as you wish here but make sure that your numbers clearly show out opposed to the background image. Your numbers must be 50pt in size and can be of any readable font style.
- Next, the image of your home town should shrink and change into a 5 sided pentagon shape before leaving the stage. This requirement of the assignment is worth 4 marks overall, so please spend some time on it. You must use a shape tween to achieve this effect. (hint: you can’t shape-tween a symbol!)
- The animation should end with a screen showing the static cut-out photographic image of yourself in an appropriate position – on the left or right. This image must have been cut out neatly from the original photograph and only show yourself. You will have to use some form of transparency and save it in a correct file format for it to successfully show against the coloured background in Flash. This image must not occupy more than half of the screen.
- o Finally, the roll of the credits! Have the following text entering from an appropriate position (the opposite side to your photograph position) on the screen showing:
- An acknowledgement of your lecturer & tutors.
- Your student number;
- Your name;
- A motivational phrase (including an acknowledgement of the author).
- o Image and credits should remain stationary on the screen for last 5 seconds
- o Finally, the roll of the credits! Have the following text entering from an appropriate position (the opposite side to your photograph position) on the screen showing:

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