Strategic Plan
A strategic plan is designed to be in use for three(3) to five (5) years. For your Final Assignment, you will write a strategic plan providing
the following information:
Company Background
Identify the Fortune 1000 organization that you have chosen for your strategic plan. Provide a
brief background of t
his organization including its products, services, and customers. Include
the organization’s strategic planning model and include the history of successes and failures
associated with its processes.
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
What is
the company’s vision statement and mission statement along with its purpose, values,
goals, and philosophy? How do these support the organization to realize its goals and
and Organizational Culture
Discuss how the new grand strateg
y will affect the company leadership infrastructure,
and the
organizational structure
and culture. How can the company move to a more agile and virtual
organization? How will the company manage the strategy
culture relationship due to the new
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