1-List the five steps in the model for problem solving from Ch. 6
of Critical Thinking in Everyday Life by Robert W. Ridel phd.. Write a brief description of each in your own words. Cite any sources you use.
Step Description Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:
2-Select a personal problem from your own life.
Apply the Five-Step Model to solve it.
Write a 250-word paper summarizing how you intend to solve the problem. Characterize yourself as either a Problem Creator, Problem Experiencer, Problem Solver or a Problem Eliminator, and explain why you chose that category.
Submit your paper to the Assignment Files tab above.
3-Are you a problem Creator, a Problem Experiencer, A Problem Solver, or a Problem Eliminator (choose one only)?
Why did you choose that designation?
-Ridel (2015) identified the last step to use in resolving problems on page 129 as deciding on a solution and acting on it. He also suggested that you “monitor and modify selected options if necessary” (p. 137).
Why is it necessary to monitor how your solution is working?
If we have given the problem enough thought, that should be enough, correct?
Ridel, R. (2015). Critical Thinking In Everyday Life. Phoenix, Arizona: Calm Sky Media
-Before working on a problem, why is it important to identify if the problem “is in your control” or “out of your control” (Ridel, 2015, p. 138)?
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