As a current or future manager of an organization, it is important to examine your personal beliefs regarding the relationship between people and the organization. Developing a personal philosophy about human resources will also help guide your personal actions to influence the organization’s beliefs about its relationship to employees. For this Assignment, you explore your personal beliefs of the employee-management relationship.
The Assignment (4–6 pages):
Develop your personal human resource philosophy for managing people.
Discuss your beliefs about the employee–organization relationship and explain how you arrived at that position.
Consider how you would build systems, create a culture, and implement practices to operationalize this philosophy.
Note: Think of this personal philosophy as your roadmap to creating, maintaining, and improving human resources within an organization. Research at least three sources in addition to your course texts to support your position.
Use APA style to cite your sources and the Course Paper template from the Walden Writing Center for proper paper formatting.

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