This assignment is on Enterprise Information Systems. Kindly view attached, a pdf with the work. The main assignment has a word count, however the discussion questions do not have a word count. Asides a good write-up, please note
- to only accept the write-up if you can handle it properly
- to put up your price if you rather do the assignment for a different price, NO price change after handshake is completed (please)
- to pay attention to specifics of the work attached and include an introduction, main body, and a conclusion with table of content
- the word count, its not a minus (-), it exact or a plus (+), word count is very important, NOT PAGE COUNT.
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Explain in your own words the capabilities of Oracle Siebel. How does it compare to its
competitors solutions? Have there been any success stories of companies using it? (500
Explain what front
facing and analyt
ical CRMs are and how they are different. As far as
possible identify which parts of Oracle Siebel CRM are front facing and which are
(500 words)
Explain in your own words the capabilities of Oracle Fusion supply chain management.
How doe
s it compare to its competitors solutions? Have there been any success stories of
companies using it?
(500 words)
Give an overview of internal systems such as ERP and what functionalities they
provide. Discuss how these internal systems can be extend
ed to the customer and the
supplier. What are the benefits and synergies that can be created? (500 words)
Give an overview of the types of networks and discuss the opportunities and threats they
provide in relation to CRM systems and supply chain syste
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