Discuss the changing entry points, including at least five strategies that could be used.

Scenario: You have noticed that your grade-level professional learning community (PLC) team teachers have been using primarily traditional assessments such as chapter tests and quizzes, criterion-referenced tests, districts benchmark tests, and unit tests to assess students. After reading about the importance of balanced and differentiated assessment, you decide to create a presentation for your PLC to inform them of ways to differentiate assessment to meet diverse student needs in your grade level.

Assignment: Create a presentation for your PLC to address the following points:

  1. Describe what it means to change the outcome or product of a lesson, including the rationale for why this is important.
  2. Discuss the changing entry points, including at least five strategies that could be used.
  3. Discuss changing exit points, including at least five strategies that could be used.
  4. Describe at least three possible assessments that could be used with a balanced approach to assessment (e.g., summative, formative, traditional assessments, student portfolios, or performance assessments).
  5. Describe how performance assessment can support student learning, including at least five examples of performance assessments that could be used for various subjects in a particular grade level

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