Discuss how Bernini and Caravaggio established the Baroque style in sculpture and painting respectively, focusing on one specific work by each artist.


Directions: Please answer the questions below in complete sentences using APA guidelines.  Your response to each should be at least 500 words in length.  Utilize examples from the textbook, if applicable.




1.      Discuss how Bernini and Caravaggio established the Baroque style in sculpture and painting respectively, focusing on one specific work by each artist.






2.      Use examples to explain the characteristics of Baroque art.




3.      Use examples to explain the picturesque or naturalistic style of English Romantic landscape painting like?




4.      What characteristics distinguish the four artistic styles that prevailed during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries from each other (that is, from Rococo to Realism)? How were the styles reactionary? Use examples to illustrate and clarify.








Stokstad, M., & Cothren, M. C. (2013). Art: A Brief History (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New  Jersey: Pearson.




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