Describe the Oracle Software file structure you wish to use. You may use OFA, or not. But identify where all the files (dbf, ctl, ora, etc.) will go on the servers.

You are the Senior Database Administrator of one of the following organizations (Choose one):
Private Prep School
Upper management has decided they want to upgrade their old database software to the latest and greatest Oracle 12c Database! You are delighted, until you find out; it’s all on your shoulders. Your task for this course project is to develop an upgrade document that will provide the following information to your team:

A brief description of the organization.
A brief description of the server environment (how many servers, disk sizes, networks, OS types)
A description of the current database software being utilized by the organization
A brief (very high-level) Entity Relationship Diagram of the database being used.
New Server requirements if any. (memory, disks, numbers of, etc.)
Describe the Oracle Software file structure you wish to use. You may use OFA, or not. But identify where all the files (dbf, ctl, ora, etc.) will go on the servers. If you don’t use OFA, then support your decisions.
Define the tablespaces and provide create tablespace statements for the new system.
Ensure you provide backup and recovery schedules for the upgrade
Provide general steps to perform the upgrade. Include a high level flowchart. Do not get too detailed or you will be writing a 100 page document!

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